Genealogical Evidence
The most damning evidence proving that the Rajputs are Saka comes from
the genealogy of the Rajputs themselves. However, first a few notes about
the Rajput Race. The Jats are in fact, Rajputs, as are Thakurs and
Gujjars. There are no racial differences between these stocks, all are
descendants of Saka immigrants; the differences are purely social and
customary, reflecting partly the degree of pollution by Indo-Aryan
Thus, the noted anthropologist Sir Denzil Ibbetson wrote :
"It has been suggested, and I believe held by many, that Jats and Gujjars and
perhaps Ahirs also, are all of one ethnic stock." [ Ibb.185 ]
This ethnic stock is the Scythic ethnic stock.
The overwhelming majority of the population of Rajputana and Gujarat is
of Scythic
origin, and even a sizeable proportion of Punjab is too.
Jats and Rajputs alone form approximately 28 % of Punjab population. [
Ibb.97 ].
Tod holds that Jats are one of the great Rajput tribes, and that both are
Getae [ Ibb.97
citing Tod.I.52-75 and 96-101 ]
The Jat Rajput ratio is 3:1 in Punjab [ Ibb.102 ]
Adding the other Scythic races to the Rajput total yields well over 50 %
of the population of Rajputana and Gujarat as Saka. Sakas no doubt
dominated in the Punjab and parts of the Ganges valley as well, but they
have here been more or less overwhelmed in the flood of Mughalloid
(Indo-Muslim) immigration.
The Thakur and Rathi are "lower grade of Rajputs rather than separate
castes." [
Ibb.132 ] and the Rawat is also Rajput [ Ibb.161 ]
Adding these to the Rajut total greatly increases the number of Rajputs.
The distinction between Jat and Rajput is "social and not ethnic"
[ Ibb.100 ]
"the same tribe even is Rajput in 1 district and Jat in another."
Ibb.102 ]. Indeed, noted anthropologist Sir Denzil Ibbetson writes,
-- [ Ibb.161 ]
Even casual observers note that the Rajputs form a majority of the
population in the Greater Rajputana region :
" ... they [ Jats/Jits ] now constitute a vast majority of the
western Rajwarra, and perhaps of northern India." [ Tod.II.138 ]
This feature is most obvious in Rajwarra or Rajputana, and is less obvious
in the Punjab, where Mughal immigration has effectively overwhelmed any
Saka survivals. The Sikhs are mixed Saka-Mughal stock, with ample evidence
showing that both Mughallic and Scythic populations converting to the
faith. Thus, Sikhism displays a combination of Saura-Saka and
Islamic-Mughal influences. There is very little Indo-Aryan influence on
Sikhism; it is Saka influence which was deliberately ignored and
In Rajputana, even the commercial class are Scythic :
"Nine-tenths of the bankers and commercial men of India are natives of
and these chiefly of the Jain faith .. All these claim a Rajput descent."
[ Tod.II.127 ] Adding these classes leads to the startling conclusion
that, except for the Brahmans (ca. 10 %), Black Untouchables or Sudroids
(ca. 15 %), and Mughals (ca. 10 %), the rest of the population, comprising
65 % of
Rajputana, is of Saka descent.
-- [ Met.196 ]
-- [ Met.197-8 ]
-- [ Met.199 ]
-- [ Met.197.ftn. ]
-- [ Met.198.ftn. ]
-- [ Tod.II.2 ]
The abundant mention of Yavanas or Ionians clearly shows that the Greeks
merged into the Scythic races; a fact already evident from the abundant
usage of Greek legends on Saka coins found in Rajasthan. Thus, whilst the
Brahmanists hold that the Yavanas disappeared into thin air, these persons
in fact merged into the Saka population, adopting the Saka Saura faith.
The Jats, Gujjars, Thakurs and all others as Saka Rajputs
"The distinction between Jat and Rajput is so indefinite and so variable
that it
can be hardly called a mistake to class a tribe as Jat in 1 place and
Rajput in
Pahlavi-Sassanid Origin of The Mewar Kings
The geneaological roles of the Rajput kings themselves reveal their
Scythic origins, rendering all Brahmanic Puranic myths as fantasies.
" Various authorities state Byramgor [ Behram Gur ] being in India in
the fifth century, and his having there left progeny by a princess of
Kanouj. A passage extracted by the author from an ancient Jain MS.,
indicates that in "S.523, Raja Gardha-bhela, of Cacustha, or Suryavansa,
ruled in Ballabhipura". It has been surmised that Gardhabhela was the son
of Byramgor, a son of whom is stated to have obtained dominion at Puttun;
which may be borne in mind when the authorities for the Persian extraction
of the Rana's family are given."
Indeed, the word `Gor' clearly indicates the true origin of these people :
" Gor and Gardha have the same significance, the first in Persian, the
second in Hindi,
meaning the wild ass, a appelation of the Persian monarch Bahram, surnamed
Gor from
his partiality to hunting that animal" [ Met.196 ], whence his son would
naturally have been
named Gardha-bhela. "
Mughal (Indo-Muslim) Genealogy
It is generally assumed that Col. Tod was the first to discover that the
Rajputs were of Scythic descent. The concept of a Scythic origin of the
Rajputs is thus often dismissed as a `Christian Colonialist Conspiracy to
divide Hindus.' However, the Mughal genealogists were completely aware of
the Scythic extraction of several Rajput families. Indeed, there was,
politically speaking, an alliance of Sakas and Mughals. The Sakas
inhabited Sakasthan comprising Rajputana-Gujarat, whilst the Mughals
inhabited Mughalstan comprising the Indus-Ganges Valley. It is only later,
as a result of Brahmin conspiracies that the Sakas and Mughals fought each
other and destroyed each others' empires. Thus, Abul Fazl fondly narrated
the Scythic descent of the Rajput allies of the Mughals :
`Let us see what Abul Fuzil says of the descent of the Ranas from
" The Rana's family consider themselves to be descendants of
They came to Berar (Berat), and became chiefs of Pernalla, which city
plundered eight hundred years proir to the writing of this book, his
nother fled to
Mewar, and was protected by Mandalica Bhil, whom the infant Bappa
slew, and
seized his territory"
-- [ Met.197 ]
Akbar commenced his reign in 1555 AD, and had been 40 years on the throne
when the
Institutes were composed by Abul Fazil. The Zoroastrians were not
restrained from eating
beef [ Met.197 ]. Another act which testifies to the tolerance of the
Mughals towards the Sakas. There are further abundant mentions of the
Sakas in Mughal chronicles -
The work which furnished all the knowledge which exists on the Persian
ancestry of the Mewar princes is the `Maaser-al-Omra', or that (in
the author's
possession) founded on it, entitled `Bisat-al-Ganaem', or `Display of
the Foe',
written in AH 1204. The writer of this work styles himself `Latchmi
Shufeek Arungabadi', or `the rhymer of Arungabad'. He professes to
give an
account of Sevaji, the founder of the Mahratta empire; for which
purpose he
goes deep into the lineage of the Ranas of Mewar from whom Sevaji was
descended, quoting at length the Maaser-al-Omra, from which is the
literal translation: " It is well known that the Rajahs of Oodipur
are exalted over
all the princes of Hind, Other Hindu princes, before they can succeed
to the
throne of their fathers, must receive the khuskhka, or tiluk of
regality and
investiture, from them. This type of sovereignty is received with
humility and
veneration. The khushkaof these princes is made with human blood:
their title
is Rana, and they deduce their (p.198) origin fro Noshirwan-i-Adil (ie.
Just), who cnquered the countries of [ lacuna in MS ], and many parts
Hindustan. During his life-time his son Noshizad, whose mother was
daughter of the Kesar of Rum [ Maurice, emperor of Byzantium ],
quitted the
ancient worship and embraced the `faith of the Christians' [
Din-i-Tersar ], and
with numerous followers entered Hindusthan. Thence he marched a great
armytowards Iran, against his father Noshirwan; who despathced his
Rambarzeen with a numerous force to oppose him. An action ensued, in
Noshizad was slain; but his issue remained in Hindusthan, from whom
descended to Ranas of Oodipur. Noshirwan had a wife from the Khankhan
China, by whom he had a son called Hormuz, declared heir to the
shortly before his death. As according to the faith of the
fire-worshippers it is
not customary either to bury or burn the dead, but to leave the
corpse exposed
to the rays of the Sun, so it is said that the body of Noshirwan has
to this day
suffered no decay but is still fresh."
Continuing the quotation from the work of Arungabadi,
" Of the eldest daughter of Yezdegird, Maha Bahoo, the Parsees have
accounts; but the books of the Hindus give evidence to her arrival in
country, and that from her issue is the tribe of Sesodia. But, at all
events, this
race is either of the seed of Noshizad, the son of Noshirwan, or that
of the
daughter of Yezdegird."
Scythic Descent of Shivaji
When Shivaji ascended the throne of Marathadesha, the Brahmins refused to
crown him. He had to import a Brahmin from a great distance who was
willing to finally crown him in return for gold in violation of Brahmanist
Hindu laws. Subsequently, a genealogy was invented for
Shivaji, claiming descent from the Rajput House of Mewar. Incidentally,
this claim would imply that Shivaji was descended from Persian immigrants
" Ali Ibrahim, a learned native of Benaras, was Wilford's authority for
the Rana's Persian descent, who stated tohim that he had seen the
history, which was entilted "Origin of the Peishwas from the Ranas of
(Ibrahim must have meant the Satara princes, whose ministers were the
Peishwas.) From this authority three distinct emigrations of the
Guebres, or
ancient Persian, are recorded, from Persia into Guzerat. The first in the
time of
Abu Beker, AD 631; the second on the defeat of Yezdegird, AD 651; and
third when the descendants of Abbas began to prevail, AD 749. Also
that a son
of Noshirwan landed near Surat with eighteen thousand of his
subjects, from
Laristhan, and were well received by the prince of the country. Abul
confirms this account by saying `the followers of Zerdesht (Zoroaster),
they fled from Persia, settled in Surat, the contracted term from the
of Saurasthra, as well as the city of this name' "
However, it is historically proven that this descent of Shivaji is in fact
make-belief; it has no foundation in fact and was invented solely to
satisfy the ego of a wealthy thief. The Marathas are, in contrast to the
Scythic Gujaratis, of brachycephalic Indo-Aryan stock, and Shivaji was no
different. This deep-seated
division between Saka Rajput and Saka Gujarati versus Indo-Aryan Marathi
is the
root cause for the intense hatred existing between these races.
Indeed, Shivaji himself launched the
most inhuman genocide of Scythics ever witnessed. Manucci records that
Shivaji butchered 3 million innocent Gujaratis during the siege of Surat,
and Baron Metcalfe mentions that his Maratha descendants exterminated half
of Rajputana [ Met. ].
Scyhtic Descent of the Rajputs of Mewar
Feristha also notes the Sassanian descent of the House of Mewar:
" Feristha informs us that Ramdeo Rahtore, sovereign of Kanouj, was made
tributary by Feroz `Sassan'; and that Pratap Chand, who usurped the
throne of
Ramdeo, neglecting to pay this tribute, Noshirwan marched into India
recover it, and in his progress subdued Cabul and the Punjab. "
Cacustha and Suryavamse are synonymous according to the genealogists. The
Cacustha may be traced to "the Persian `Kai-caous', a well-known epithet
of the Persian
dynasties." [ Met.200.ftn ].
Rajput tradition records 36 Royal Races (`rajcula') as being the highest
families. The bulk of these are Scythic in origin. Thus, the following
table shows the direct one-to-one correspondence for some of the more
prominent Rajculas -
Rajput Royal Clan Scythic Progenitor
Dahya Dahae
Hoon Huns
Jit Getae
Camar Camarii
Sessodia Sassanian
Col. Tod mentions a genealogical role
" furnished by a Yati, or Jain
priest, from the
temple of Nadolaye [ 1. An ancient town in Marwar ] ... producing the
Rahtore sprung from the spine of Indra,' he nominal father being
prince of Parlipoor". Of the topography of Parilpoor, the Rahtores
have no
notion than that it was in the north, but in the declared race of their
progenitors, a
Yavan prince , of the Aswa or Asi tribe 2 we have proof of the
origin of this
Rajput family." [ 2. " One of the four tribes which overturned the Greek
kingdom of
Bactria. The ancient Hindu cosmographers claim the Aswa as a grand branch
their early family, and doubtless the Indo-Scythic people, from the Oxus
to the
Ganges, were one race." ]